Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Pedophile Way

Okay not really, but this kid has EXTREMELY GOOD GENES AND FASHION SENSE. Can you be mad at me :/, CAN YOU? When Robert Downey Jr. is fine and I basically expected that his offspring would exhibit signs of beautiful at a young age.
1)He has a band, they were in "kidstock" so tight.
2)He's Robert Downey Jr.'s fineself's son.
3)His mom is Deborah Falconer.
I'll lay this out for you.

Hot Robert Downey Jr (or Elias Jr.)

Deborah Falconer Looking like a "What's her Slut?" or (whatsaslut, like whatchamacallit but for sluts) in the mid 90s.

Indio Falconer Downey (Elias, come on, Robert Downey Sr changed his last name so he could get in the military underage :/) He's beautiful

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