Saturday, June 28, 2008

I know, I know

SO I totally know what that last dream means. I realized mentally in terms of being in a gridlock, I'm in the exact same place I was in a year okay, OKAY so in about 2 months I'll be in the exact exact place, and if you put me forward by another 3 months OH SHIT, i'll probably puke because my thoughts are exactly the same. I've changed but the ordeals that I go through everyday within my brain have not, THEY did change for a while. For a while I had no dilemma only a "meh maybe" and now I have a full blown dilemma on my hands again and I know that in august it'll just subside and then I'll be busy with school and it won't really matter for a while, but then christmas is gonna come and I'm not going to be doing anything and BAM dilemma, but maybe it'll be different, that's what I'm hoping. OH SHIT and then what about spring. If my life goes as planned spring will be a dilemma fest. then summer vacay next year. I'm doing again what my dad always cusses me out for, thinking to far ahead in the future about things that could change. Maybe I'll overcome the mental dilemma. OR MAYBE I'LL CHERISH IT(like i don't already want to fuck the shit out of it right?(haha nessa), fuck i'm neurotic :/. I'm like a hard on for people on prozac.

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