I won't lie, I'm pretty intimidated by life right now. I love who I am, and where I'm going but there are a couple things in my life that I'm really not happy about. There's a plethora of silver and hardly any gold, and barely any platinum.
Deep down inside every girl wants a 1940s movie romance, or a 1990s indie actors romance (Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix). The whole leg lift thing, that's cute, we're not expecting that.
I love the New Millenium? Too soon? Yes. Did I dvr it anyway? Yes. Have I sat through it? No.
Ultimate Fighter: Biggest travisty of my life. CB ALL THE WAY. I honestly can't be that mad though since Amir is a good fighter, he just has a tendency to get the shit beat out of him and then pull of impressive arm bars and shit. Meh.
Creepy stalkers. Need to get a life, really tired of them.
My nails, currently really long and really coming in handy,. I really hate having short nails and I really feel naked without long nails.
So You Think You Can Dance: I do not have a clear favorite yet, but keep on that black guy that's partners with the fine ass red head. The one that they were all calling a genius. OH, wait keep on the couple that did breathe with no air song, and then did the broadway routine last week. They are phenomenal.
America's Got Talent: really angry at that four year old girl she made me cry, and I was so inspired :/
I'm somewhat of a cry whore, on father's day I watched a movie specifically because I knew I would cry my eyes out. Oh well, it's also why I love Grey's Anatomy so much,.
Alanis Morrisette needs to stop eating. BUT...! I would be fat too, because Ryan Reynolds = fine (not as fine as Jason Rudd, Dennis Leary or David Duchovny , even though Ryan Reynolds isn't middle aged he's getting up there in years) ScarJO = love her, she's delicious, she can sing, she can act, Woody likes her and I like her. She's GOT TITS! She's perfect. Eating is the least of Alanis' worries :[
Marijuana needs to be legalized because prescription pain killers are synthetic heroine. Alcohol is worse for your liver, and smoking cigarettes will kill you. You don't even have to smoke weed to get the medicinal value from it, you can cook it and you can vaporize it. More importantly you can make hemp from it, and hemp is stronger than cotton and it's cheaper to make. Its too bad that the United States has dumped hemp and marijuana together I mean they may be the same plant but they are two different things. Hemp plants are usually low in thc and are grown to make fabric, paper, plastic, literally the possibilities are endless with it. Medicinal plants have to be high in thc usually 15-25 percent thc content. So if one is basically schwag but can make a cheaper alternative to synthetic fibers, and the other is meant to alter your brain, why is hemp not being considered?
On that note , goodnight.