Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More Poetry

Rhymes with Brooms
I injested you, YOU VILE POISON.
Stop corrupting my innards and making me see what really isn't.
Its too late now ISN'T IT?
You just work your way through my body as if you don't even care about whether or not I make it through the night.
At first you were pleasant and you made me laugh, you made the trees weary of my existence. You made them ready for the prowl.
Later you ripped me open.
You confused me, more than any human being ever could.
You birthed me into a much sicker world than the one I was birthed in many years ago.
A dirty sick place where people spill their guts.
I felt
That's all I can honestly say, every emotion was there was up to bat and ready to play.
You educated me, you guide you. I was just a young psychonaut ready for a ride.
I bought the ticket, I didn't want to go on.
Not yet
Never much a fan of rollercoasters.
Adrenaline isn't my favorite high.
But you aren't adrenaline at all are you?
Pscilocybin, straight out of Hunter S Thompson
and into my infantile brain
and when I woke up the next morning mentally aged 30 years
I knew I would never be the same.

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